Milk-Free, Egg-Free Pancakes

My oldest daughter was severely allergic to milk for three+ years, then *poof* the allergy ceased to exist in her system. While she had this allergy, we struggled with Milk-Free recipes/food. I began making nearly everything from scratch. I bought a really great book, The Milk-Free Kitchen, where this recipe is from. We still make these soft, fluffy and delicious pancakes. I will also post the recipe for Milk-Free Blueberry Pancakes.
Milk-Free, Egg-Free Pancakes Milk-Free, Egg-Free Pancakes
Milk-Free, Egg-Free Pancakes Milk-Free, Egg-Free Pancakes
Milk-Free, Egg-Free Pancakes Milk-Free, Egg-Free Pancakes
Milk-Free, Egg-Free Pancakes Milk-Free, Egg-Free Pancakes


  1. WOW! Im so shocked! Who needs eggs!? I didnt have any eggs in the house and the kids wanted pancakes. I was expecting these to not be so great and boy was I WRONG!! These are fluffy and delicious! I used milk and added 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract. I cooked them in some butter, didnt stick, easy as pie and OH SO GOOD!
  2. It is one of the best dairy free pancake I've eaten! However I did not use eggs or baking soda. But I added 1 teaspoon of vanilla powder and used only 2 tbsp of sugar instead of 3!
  4. I found this recipe a few years ago and fell in love with it. I have always made it dairy and egg free. Here are some substitutions that have worked well for me- olive oil instead of margarine, whole wheat flour (just add a little bit more water), and cutting the sugar to 2 TBSP. Great recipe as written!
  5. My daughter has dairy and egg allergy and these are so perfect for her! And all of us! Its so comforting finding recipes of the same food items so she doesn't feel left out! Thank you thank you! This is a recipe I always return to!
  6. Great pancake mix however I yield much less pancakes probably because I live in Texas and we make big pancakes also I would leave out the margarine they come out for fluffy

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