Low Carb Pizza

I got this delicious recipe from www.atkinsdietbulletboard.com the orginal chef is Bikergoddess. We all thank her for creating this great recipe. It's not exactly like pizza, but it's pretty close. I like it alot. I've made it twice now, and will be making it over and over again.
Low Carb Pizza Low Carb Pizza
Low Carb Pizza Low Carb Pizza
Low Carb Pizza Low Carb Pizza


  1. This is AWESOME! I have made it about 4 times now, but last night's was the best yet. I did make a bunch of alterations to find the perfect version and here it is. First, I added oregano, minced garlic, chives & red pepper flakes to the egg mixture to give it some more flavor. Next, after I spread the mozzerella cheese onto the bottom of the pan, I stuck that in the oven for about 5 minutes. By doing this, I found that at the end of everything, the bottom came out to be a PERFECT crust!!! Next, I used Contadina marinara sauce (very low in sugar and carbs) and added plenty of oregano, garlic powder, minced garlic, red pepper flakes, and parsley, and let it simmer for the entire time that the pizza was cooking. This is the absolute essential step - use a large round pan!! I've done it all different ways, and by spreading the "dough" out on such a large surface, it was the perfect texture and had a great crunch to it, just like real pizza! To the top, I added mozzerella cheese and made half of the pizza with peppers and onions, and the other half with bacon bits. My hubby LOVED it - and he's a true skeptic of low carb "mock" dishes!!
  2. If you read no other review, read this one. I'm writing this after a long week and, really, all I wanted was an adult beverage and pizza. I'm going to bed happy; before I do, however, I'm writing my first online recipe review, ever. The pizza was that good. You need to know 3 things:

    1. This recipe is amazing; trust the reviews. I'm not a great cook and the final product turned out better than I anticipated. Quite frankly, low carb or not, this was one of the best pizzas that I've ever had (and I'm a foodie!). I made a primal guttural sound when I took my first bite.

    2. The "dough" will be soupy before you cook it. I was doubtful, but see above :)

    3. Follow the advice of "Chef #464581": (1) add extra spices to the dough," including red pepper flakes, (2) put the "bottom-of-the-pan mozzarella" in the pan and place the pan in the oven for a few minutes before baking the egg/cream cheese/spice mixture on top of the cheese, (3) use a round pizza pan, it works wonders, and (4) spice up the tomato sauce!

    I'm not kidding. DO IT!
  3. This is a great recipe! I made mine into a white pizza, followed the directions for the crust, then sprinkled 1 cup of feta, some chopped spinach, and topped with a little extra mozzarella. I also added some grilled chicken breast. It was yummy from bottom to top :)
  4. I've been making this for awhile now and it's very good and easy to make. Think of it as a pizza quiche. The only things I do differently are to add 1 Tble. dried oregano(more pizza taste) and use a deep, round pyrex pie plate. It's also good for low carb eaters who don't want meat. I make it during lent on Thursday, remove meat on Friday and it microwaves great for my husband's lunch at work.
  5. This recipe saved my diet. It is truly amazing. My entire family enjoyed it and I would recommend This to anyone trying to keep their carbs low! If you don't want it to stick, use Pam on parchment paper!

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