
I got this recipe from a friend, they are very good and easy to make.
Biscuits Biscuits
Biscuits Biscuits
Biscuits Biscuits


  1. These were great! I was lazy and just patted the dough into a rectangle on the pan and cut into 12 pieces. Worked great and everyone commented on how tasty they were! Excellent recipe, thanks for posting.
  2. Absolutely beautiful biscuits... I put in 1 /2 a cup of whole milk and 1/4 cup (more or less) of cold beer. Got a terrific rise during baking. Also, I like my biscuits big, so I pressed out six LARGE biscuits. Having these babies with beef stew tonight... Arctic vortex has hit Michigan!
  3. Delicious. Followed exactly, and had to add a little milk, but I live up north where it's dry. Baked a little longer b/c my oven runs cold, and everyone loved 'em. Was sweet, and may not add as much sugar if they're for savory dish, but perfect for breakfast or strawberry shortcake!
  4. Excellent biscuit recipe. It was very easy to put together. After making them I threw the biscuits into the freezer for a few minutes while my oven was preheating. It helps them bake up nice and flaky. I reduced the sugar and milk just a bit per the recommendations of other reviewers but that was the only change I made. Thanks so much for sharing Hag Chef.
  5. Excellent recipe. I followed it exactly. It's a little tricky to get the dough to stay firm (butter melting as you work) for someone who does not make these often, but they came out great. Like any dough, I just kept a floured area ready as you cut each biscuit and then flip the dough back into the original pile to cut the next one. The recipe only made 9 for me. I used a true 3" ID drinking glass.

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