World's Best Butter Cookies

I tested 8 different butter cookie recipes, looking for the "perfect" butter cookie. It had to be buttery, a little crumbly (like shortbread), and not too sweet. This is the winner. I think these are the Worlds Best Butter Cookie, courtesy of Chef Alice Medrich.
World's Best Butter Cookies World's Best Butter Cookies
World's Best Butter Cookies World's Best Butter Cookies
World's Best Butter Cookies World's Best Butter Cookies
World's Best Butter Cookies World's Best Butter Cookies


  1. Well, ta-da! I thought I recognized this recipe. I agree, this is the best butter cookie. I make them with a hand held beater, and they are always wonderful. It's that one egg yolk which turns them from ordinary to special. One of my kids always like a whole blanched almond planted in the middle.
  2. I have been a Chef for 30 years. I don't understand all the negative responses here. I suggest a little more flour and 2tbs extra sugar to make the dough less wet. It cooks beautifully. Hot oven is the trick and leave on tray until completely cold. They crisp up beautifully. Can also be used as a slice base with great success
  3. Wonderful buttery cookies with a flakey texture that were not too sweet (just like PetitFour described them). The flavor of these cookies reminds me of those Danish butter cookies that come in a round tin and are sold mostly during the holidays. My kids loved these cookies.
  4. I have been looking for a butter cookie that tastes like the ones Gramma used to bake. This is the recipe. Thanks, PetitFour, these are the best butter cookies ever!
  5. Just tried these with 3/4 cup of virgin coconut oil vs the butter,,,o m g,,,,yummy:)

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