Very Moist Banana Nut Bread

This is a very easy, "no mixer" bread to make. It is very moist and a little heavy type banana bread. The really important thing to remember is using all black bananas to get my same results. I always use 5 medium sized bananas and this recipe makes 2 loaves. Also, I've never used buttermilk, but sour milk instead..a little vinegar added to regular milk. I've used this recipe since 1972 and last year made 32 loaves to give away for Christmas! It's truly a wonderful bread. I only bake it until the toothpick comes out almost clean, as we like it really moist. If you over bake it, or wait til the toothpick is completely clean, the bread will be a lot dryer. I realize some like it this way, so thats why I've given this hint. My family and friends would rather have it a little under done than over. It's so good with coffee, butter/jelly or I like mine just plain. I bake it in tin foil pans and it freezes wonderfully. I try to always have one or two in the freezer for company, or a little gift. This recipe came from a ladies club cookbook. The kind where everyone contributes recipes, they are made into a recipe book and sold to make money for charities. All the cooks are just plain "down home" country gals that produce miracles in the kitchen. It's my favorite cookbook and I've almost worn it out and it can't be replaced. I know there are many banana bread recipes here, so thanks for trying this recipe. I hope you enjoy it!
Very Moist Banana Nut Bread Very Moist Banana Nut Bread
Very Moist Banana Nut Bread Very Moist Banana Nut Bread
Very Moist Banana Nut Bread Very Moist Banana Nut Bread
Very Moist Banana Nut Bread Very Moist Banana Nut Bread


  1. I have used this reciepe for yrs also. It is the best ever. Very moist!! But I use 1 1/2 cups of sugar ,1 cup white n 1/2 brown. I find 2 cups to be to sweet. Also if you are n a hurry and don't have time for bananas to turn black or don't have any in the freezer, you can buy bananas n put them in the freezer till they freeze(about an hour) take them out, let them thaw, put them in a baggie in the fridge over nite. It will turn them black n mushy.
  2. I have made this bread about half a dozen times for my friends at work (we all take turns bringing stuff). It never fails to please. It is moist and sweet and delicious. The ripeness of the bananas is the most important thing in this recipe. I put 4 - 5 bananas in the fridge for about 2 weeks until they are solid black. The flavor is at it's peak at that point. Any longer could cause them to go bad. When they just turn all black, they are ready.
  3. Very good banana nut bread. I made 1 loaf and 12 small muffins. I used PAM to prevent the bread from sticking and it worked well. I baked my substituted whole walnuts in the oven for a few minutes, until they smelled roasted. Then chopped them and per another review, dusted them in flour, so they didn't all sink to the bottom when adding to the batter. I also added about 1/2 tsp cinnamon and a couple of dashes of nutmeg. Next time will add a smidge more of both! I cooked the muffins for 25 minutes and the bread for the hour recommended. I'm not a huge banana bread person, but I managed to scarf down 2 muffins with my coffee this morning! Thanks!
  4. This is my ONLY banana bread recipe since I've found it! It is the most moist banana bread I've ever had! This is a new favorite at my job. I work as a daycare teacher, and when the bananas in our kitchen start to get to black to serve, I take them home to make this recipe. I have never been so excited about overripe bananas in all my life!!! So far, I've made it with pecans and chocolate chips, but it's also really good plain. I also never have buttermilk on hand, so like some of the other reviewers suggested, I use 1 Tbsp white vinegar and 1 c milk to substitute, other than that I wouldn't change a thing. Excellent recipe peppermintkitty!!! =]
  5. GREAT Recipe!! Absolutely loved it. Made some minor adjustments. Recipe called for 2 cups of sugar and I used 1 1/2 cups instead. It was very sweet still. I feel if I used the amount called for it would have been too sweet. I used Reduced Fat buttermilk. I also took another guests suggestion of letting the batter sit for 20-30 mins before putting in the oven. I am glad I choose this recipe to make my banana bread I had been crazing for so long...THANKS for a great recipe a definte keeper.

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