
When I saw all the other Tiramisu recipes posted, I was hesitant to add my one. But after looking through them, none were quite like mine. This is the only Tiramisu recipe I have ever made, I found it so good I didn't need to seek out another. It is very simple and can be made in the morning for dinner. It is my most popular dessert and is requested by my friends often. Cook time is minimum refrigeration time. I have no idea which book this came from. Many people have commented that the level of sugar in this recipe is too low. I wonder if they are using caster (superfine) sugar or just regular? Superfine will fill a 1/4 of a cup more than regular would. Of course, it could just be personal taste and that's okay too.
Tiramisu Tiramisu
Tiramisu Tiramisu
Tiramisu Tiramisu
Tiramisu Tiramisu
Tiramisu Tiramisu


  1. This tiramisu is truly amazing. Contrary to the opinion of others, the 1/4 c. of caster sugar was the perfect amount, and I can't imagine adding more. One thing I did do, was, for the bottom layer, dipped only the top half of the ladyfingers, keeping the bottom dry, and, occasionally, if I saw that a layer had too much liquid, just added a dry layer of ladyfingers. Quite the perfect tiramisu, thanks Syrah. (By the way...the reason everyone's ladyfingers are "falling apart" is because Italian ladyfingers, savoiardi, are hard cookies that soften when dipped, as opposed to the soft kind that you can get from the grocery store's bakery section. Personally, I prefer the soft kind.)
  2. I'm italian, and my town is just some miles from the place where this recipe was invented. The Syrah's recipe is quite right. I would just add two hints: 1- good quality mascarpone and strong coffee are mandatory. 2- NEVER, NEVER ... NEVER eat tiramisu before 24h. I repeat ... NEVER. The taste is awful compared of what it can be after a night in the fridge. Ciao
  3. Wish I could personally say this was delicious but I can not.. (this time).
    Made this for a family summer party and didn't even get a taste! I was told it was soooo good !! Next time, and there will be a next time....
    I used a small blender to make regular sugar finer, then I measured it.
    Used 3 pkgs. of 12 lady fingers and made only 2 cups of very strong instant coffee.
    Added a little more Kamora coffee liqueur to coffee than called for. Kamora is a very close second to Kahlua in my opinion. Brushed/dabbed on the lady fingers. Thank you Sassy..
  4. I've tried a number of tiramisu recipes and this is my current favorite. I did find that 2 cups coffee is a bit too much since just a quick dip is needed or the ladyfingers come apart. I used instant espresso coffee (Medaglia D'Oro) and homemade "Kahlua" and more than the 3 Tbs. called for - how much I'm not sure, just a couple of glugs. Even more would have been good. I also used grated bittersweet chocolate between each layer and on the top rather than the cocoa. Thanks, Syrah, for the recipe.
  5. An excellent recipe. The only suggestion I have is don't soak the lady fingers too much in the coffee or you get a soggy mess. I did that once with tiramisu. You don't you all the coffee in the recipe or I didn't anyway. I just dipped it in once and not for too long and it worked fine.

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