
I absolutely love it! This is so convenient for me. I love this recipe because I buy organic apples which have a tendency to go bad quicker. This allows me to make good use of them before they go to waste. I bought those tiny gladlock bowls and now the applesauce is part of my son's school lunch. This is a perfect fit because I'd rather spend money on apples every other week than buying applesauce every few days when it runs out. I don't add any sugar and add a few dashes of cinnamon! Perfect! My son loves it and I love it. I always make about 8-10 apples in a cup of water. When it cools down I put it in a big Gladlock bowl and seal it. I am thinking about getting into jarring and making an armyload of this applesauce. God bless and thank you so much for sharing this recipe.
I've made this applesauce several times and it is easy and delicious! I halved the recipe for 2. Use brown sugar insead of white, Granny Smith Apples and add extra Penzy's Vietnamese cinnamon. I like it chunky, so I don't over cook or over stir it. Add a couple red hot candies for a Christmas look. It's great served with pork :)))