Chicken and Dumplings

My mom made a similar recipe for this comforting dish, and I still remember the wonderful aroma of chicken and dumplings cooking throughout the house. She didn't make it often, but when she did, what a treat. I especially loved the light, tender dumplings, which is still my most favorite part of this dish. (In a pinch, Bisquick dumplings are also very good). For those of you, like my good friend Cindy, who like a more Southern style of dumpling (heavier, chewier), the recipe is at the bottom. This recipe is from Steph's Country Kitchen Goodness. This is my favorite website for recipes.
Chicken and Dumplings Chicken and Dumplings
Chicken and Dumplings Chicken and Dumplings
Chicken and Dumplings Chicken and Dumplings
Chicken and Dumplings Chicken and Dumplings


  1. When looking at a new recipe on a website or blog, I always like to scroll through the comments to see what people thought of the dish, and check for any adjustments they may have made, that sound good to me. Almost always, there is at least one post telling the blogger how terrible the dish was, and how some step in the process didn't work "at ALL!" These comments are invariably followed by a lengthy, pompous, diatribe on "the right way" to make this recipe. These comments make me twitch. Chef's note: Before you tell a food blogger what they did wrong, or the "right way" to make their dish, read through the rest of the comments (yes, yes, I know this is counter-intuitive, as it's really only the sound of your own voice that you're interested in, but humor me...) If most of the comments follow a theme of "GREAT RECIPE!" or "MY FAMILY LOVED IT!"...perhaps think twice before sharing your infinite wisdom on what the blogger did wrong, and consider...just consider...that if everyone else liked it, or didn't have the same problem that you had...the idiot in the equation is probably the guy holding your favorite spoon. Just a crazy thought. -Chef Perry BTW...this recipe was fantastic. Thank you!
  3. Very good, very fast recipe that the family loved. The only thing I changed was that I used two sets of veggies. The first set of veggies I boiled with the chicken for flavor as the recipe stated. I discarded them after that( way to mushy for my taste). The second set of veggies I added right before adding the dumplings, and finshed the recipe the same. This step made the veggies firmer instead of mushy.
  4. I had made a chicken stew to use for several preparations, one of which was to make Chicken and Dumplings, so I only used the dumpling part of this recipe. The dumplings were light and had a delicious ('perfect' in my book) texture and flavor. I used melted unsalted butter instead of oil, and used a scant teaspoon of salt. I also cooked them close to 30 minutes. Just wonderful. DH was very suspicious - his experience had always been with heavy, gooey dumplings - but he loved this. The secret to a light dumpling is to never lift the lid until they're done (just like cooking rice). Thanks for a great recipe for an old standard.
  5. Although this dish is normally considered "comfort food" this simple recipe is worthy of a dinner party. I followed instructions tit for tat except that I used 3-1/2 lbs. of boneless, skinless thighs (my favorite in soupy chicken dishes because the rich chicken flavor does not get washed out). Your recipe rocks, Ms. Vezina! Thank you for sharing and know that this is now my default Chicken 'n dumplings recipe. Booyah!!!
  6. What I love about recipes like this is that it allows for the passionate cook to come out and play. And for the beginner cook, it is simple and straight forward. This recipe has virtually endless variations on what can be done with it. In my Dumplings I tossed in some Italian herbs and pepper. My 'Soup', loaded it up with all kinds of veggies, what ever is in season. Wonderful Chicken and Dumpling. This is a great recipe as is or made with the flavours you like. Either way, it is a keeper!

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