Broil a Perfect Steak

I found this cooking guide on Lindauer Family Farms website when I ran out of gas for my grill. If you like how yor steak is prepared at Outback Steakhouse, then you will love this recipe.
Broil a Perfect Steak Broil a Perfect Steak
Broil a Perfect Steak Broil a Perfect Steak
Broil a Perfect Steak Broil a Perfect Steak
Broil a Perfect Steak Broil a Perfect Steak


  1. I was really happy to have this recipe during the winter when we couldn't use our grill. Steaks got a great sear on the outside, but stayed nice and pink on the inside. My only problem is that our house usually got pretty smoky and set off the smoke alarm.
  2. If there's not a grill handy, this is a great way to go. Even cheaper cuts turn out great.

    This recipe calls for two steaks. For a single steak, I've found cutting the sear and main cooking times a little short makes for better results (but that's just my oven; YMMV).
  3. Turned out perfect, rainy day - great steak!
  4. This is a very tastey way to cook a steak if you don't want to grill. My family loves this method and I've already used it twice now.
  5. GREAT recipe! Yes house did get a little smoky, I guess it depends on what type of setup you have. I turned a 7 dollar nice rib eye steak into a 26 dollar nice rib eye steak at a local chain, just as good and flavorable. Definitely recommend.

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