Chocolate Flan Cake

Excellent recipe, very YUMMY!. If you can't find Cajeta in the spanish section of your supermarket, look where the condensed milk is and they might have Dulce de Leche (La Lechera brand). If you still can't find dulce de leche all you need to do is get a can of condensed milk, remove label, put in a pot with enough boiling water that will cover it and cook for 3 hours. If you want do more than one can since it keeps well in the refigerator. This tastes much better than caramel. You can also use it on the middle of two shorbread cookies, cake fillings, fruit dipping or just with a spoon by itself. I made this cake twice, first time with caramel and second time with the condensed milk and it made a difference. Thank you for an awesome recipe
In Puerto Rico we call this FLANCOCHO. We use vanilla cake mix though. Also , we make our own caramel. Just cook 1 cup of sugar in a sauce pan and add a teaspoon of water until it starts to turn amber, poor this into the prepared pan and swirl around a bit, then add liquids. It's so good, my sis and I had it the last time we went out there and it was yummy!!!
I've made this three times now, improving on it each time. The first time I followed the recipe exactly, and it was okay. The second time, I used my favorite chocolate cake recipe instead of boxed mixed and it was that much better. A few things to note: You really do need a large bundt pan. I had to go out and buy a new one, 12 to 15 cups because the first time I made this I wasn't sure how large my pan was and it was too small. Second, this is just as good if you don't add the caramel to the pan and just add it after, and you save the mess. Third, the type of pan you have changes the temperature needs; the first time I used a silicone pan and it came out great, the second time I used a cast aluminum pan and it was burnt (although it still tasted fine), the third time I turned the temp down to 325, came out perfect.
After 3 bundt pans I have found the pan to hold this cake without spilling over the pan. Nordic Ware (proudly made in the USA) "Original Bundt Pan" Platinum collection Sates 10 - 15 cups & it does hold 15 cups. At last a pan the perfect size to hold this incredible cake. Presentation & taste are both superb!!!
As evryone has said.....OMG!!!! This was very easy to make and tastes amazing! I read the other reviews about possible overflow so I used 4 custard dishes (1 cup size) and prepared 4 small cakes before emptying the rest of the ingredients in the bunt pan. I let the 4 samll cakes cook with the large bunt in a very large disposable pan with the water bath. I took the 4 smaller cakes out at about 1 hour 15 minutes. I let the large cake cook for the remaining 45 minutes. They all came out absolutley picture perfect!!!! I also let the large cake cool for 30+ minutes before I plated it. I used my largst serving plate and still spilled cajeta in the sink. Oh well, I guess I have a good excuse to go and get a new "BIGGER" serving plate. Thanks bunches Miss Annie, this is definatley a 5 star recipe!!! I'm gonna fool around with the butter cake with cinnimon idea....MMMMMM Yummy!