Grandmas Sloppy Joes

I found Miss Diggy's wonderful Sloppy Joe recipe many years ago and it quickly became a beloved part of our family. The kids are out on their own and every few weeks, Hubby and I look at each other and say..... Grandma's Sloppy Joes? it's one of those cozy favorites that makes everything just a little more fun. Thanks for having given our family one of our favorites! And for the record..... EXACTLY as written is JUST PERFECT!
Thought I'd give this recipe a go as a change from the old trusty recipe I've always made for my young family, and now still make for my much bigger family including great grands. We found though ( hopefully no offense is taken ) this recipe to be too heavy on the tomato side/taste, so probably won't make again. Glad I tried it though as you never know if a new found recipe might be tastier than what you're used to. It also made me realize some of the trusty 1960's recipes that were my go- tos as a young Mother such as Betty Crocker's 3 - 1 hamburger mix is just as tasty today as it was way back then!