Taco Soup

This was a wonderfully easy and delicious soup. I put it together the night before I served it, so all I had to do was let it cook for an hour. Because of personal preference I rinsed the can of pinto beans. I used frozen corn in place of the canned corn. I used a 10 oz can of Mexican diced tomatoes and a 15 oz can of diced tomatoes to make up for the lost liquid. This had a surprising amount of kick. Thanks for sharing.
SO easy! and a very delicious, healthy soup! more like a chili than a soup, really. i was skeptical about the ranch dressing packet but it was just right! made it twice - once with ground chicken, once with ground turkey. a serving size of only a cup doesn't seem like very much to me, so if you're planning this to serve to others you might want to take that into consideration. Also i didn't simmer for anywhere near an hour and if seemed to be fine to me. Everyone loved it - even the boys who insist chili isn't chili without lots of fatty beef! Thank you!!!