Rustic Italian Bread ABM

This is the one I make all the time. I use the bread machine to make my dough and then bake in oven to get that rustic look. It rises nice and the crust and texture is great--give it a try. Prep time includes the total bread machine and rising time. You can also make this in your KitchenAid mixer instead of the bread machine, using you kneading hook. Oil bowl cover let rise in a draft free spot.
Rustic Italian Bread ABM Rustic Italian Bread ABM
Rustic Italian Bread ABM Rustic Italian Bread ABM
Rustic Italian Bread ABM Rustic Italian Bread ABM


  1. This is a delicious recipe! I don't have a working bread machine, so I used my KitchenAid Stand Mixer. I added the sugar and yeast to the warm water, let it foam for 10 minutes before adding it to the other ingredients. Using the bread hook, I kneaded the dough for a few minutes, covered it in a little oil (so it wouldn't stick to the bowl), and covered it for about 25-30 minutes. Then I punched it down, formed the load, and covered it again to rise. I didn't use egg wash, just sprayed water on it before baking. When she says "large loaf," she means it. It's hard to tell in the photo, but it's about enough to feed 8-10 people. I will definitely be making it again. Thanks for sharing!
  2. I've been using this recipe for quite a while and didn't realize I didn't rate it. So, here goes - it's a wonderful, simple Italian bread recipe. I use my KitchenAid mixer to make the dough, and it always turns out wonderful. Great with a bowl of homemade soup, or sometimes I form it into rolls for wonderful homemade hoagie rolls. Yum!!
  3. This is the first time I've made homemade bread. I too mixed it in my KitchenAid, then kneaded a few times before letting it rise. The bread was not too dense with great texture and crust. Let it cool and bake it again for 5-8 min to really crisp the crust. Delicious and easy. Thanks andypandy for a great recipe for the rookie bread maker.
  4. This dough is wonderful. I am making a loaf as I write this. The first time I used it for a pizza dough. After using the dough cycle on the bread machine, I put it into a greased pizza pan and just spread it out with my fingers. Put the topping on and let it rise about 30 min. and then in the oven till done at about 375F. Turned out great.
  5. Fantastic!! My bread machine has bitten the dust so I made it by hand following instructions as written by reviewer Rokmelon "For non breadmachine instructions: Mix yeast with warm water and sugar. Let proof for 10-15 minutes until it gets foamy. Add salt and oil, then flour one cup at a time. Knead till smooth, cover and let sit for an hour, punch down, shape into loaf and bake!" This produces such a great loaf...nice crust and a beautiful light and fluffy centre. Thanks for sharing. :)

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