Quick Cinnamon Rolls - No Yeast

Okay, so I read all the reviews and tried a bunch of different ways. Here is my two cents:
1. Leave the dough recipe as is. Adding an egg will make it stickier than necessary.
2. Love the filling recipe, but I added chopped walnuts to it. I also used it solely in the rolls, not at the bottom like the original recipe said to because if you do, it'll caramelize at the bottom into an ooey gooey mess.
When you are cutting them cut them about 1.5 to 2 inches thick. They will spread out horizontally but not height wise (unless you add yeast) so the height you cut them at will be about what they stay.
3. Bake it at 300 instead of 400...gets the dough gooeyer (is that a word??) It will take longer but WORTH it. Bake it only under the tops start to firm and if you stick a toothpick it comes out clean.
4. Bake them in a spring form pan (about 7-8 per pan, leaving room to spread out). Trust me on this one, that way you just pop the outer pan off when they are done and serve!
5. As you are letting them cool take a knife and gently slip it around the corners of the spring form pan and each other, so they pull apart nicely.
6. Once cool, add about 4 tbsp melted butter on top of the rolls to get them nice and buttery soft. Then put on the icing, pop the spring form pan, and serve!
TRUST ME. I baked these until I got a batch I liked and this is what worked. Love how quick this is though. No waiting on them to rise or messing with yeast. My whole family approved of them! -
I just made these buns today...it was a new thing to put the filling on the bottom as well as inside...but, I tried it, and it was good.
I did not get the amount of buns from my roll as the author did...I got ten small ones in a square metal pan.
I decided not to use the icing...I thot it would be too sweet and for me, it would have been.
I used wholewheat flour and brown sugar for everything.
I cannot understand putting an egg in the recipe...have not heard of this be4, and I am glad the author did not do that.
When I took the pan to the butcher board, I put a plate on top and then flipped the thing over, so that the sugar mix on the bottom of the pan was seen on the buns.
It covered the whole bun with brown sugar mix, so you could not see the coil; but, I liked it that way better, it looked prettier.
The magic was in the tasting...they looked liked cinnamon buns I have made in the past...very simple w/o yeast, but, after the second biteinto it, I was hooked!
The flavor is perfect, the salt with the sweet...all you need is a big slather of hard butter and it's feasting time.
I could not just have one...
These are really good...not fancy...but, they taste great...a different version of the cinnamon bun, which the store sells you, that you pull apart...I guess it has it's place, but, these are fine for me.
I have printed out the recipe and thankyou to the author of them.
It was plenty sweet enough w/o icing, and I had run out of icing sugar, anyways.
Next time I make these, I will try Indian White Flour bread, which is part wholewheat and I cut them wider so they are bigger buns to munch on.
Last of all, I found the dough very pliable, soft and fairly co-operative.
Kudos to the Author.
Vancouver, Canada. -
I thought it was rude of the other lady to talk so bad about the rolls when it was her mistake for using baking SODA instead of POWDER. This is a great recipe for the kids. My sister is not a cook so it was great to see her doing this with the kids helping. They are not the best but the kids loved eating what they had just made. I agree that taking them out early would have made them softer. The glaze was liquidy so we added more powdered sugar than the recipe said. We'll make them again for sure.
Just made these for a late evening wintry snack! Read all reviews first, so made these corrections: added one egg to the dough, cut the baking powder back to 3 teaspoons. Also used bread flour instead of all purpose flour for a bit more "poof". Before I sprinkled the rolled out dough with the sugar & cinnamon mixture, I spread butter on the dough. May have been a mistake for the baking part of it, but not for the taste! They were VERY bubbly while baking, and wound up spilling over in the oven. Still, very good and easy! Love them!!!
This recipe is absolutely amazing! These are the best cinnamon rolls I've ever had. Here are a few changes that I made (and no that doesn't diminish the recipe it's just using sense folks.)
1. add an egg to recipe
2. don't confuse baking soda with baking powder :0)
3. add a TON more powdered sugar to glaze recipe
4. use a lot of flour when rolling out so it doesn't stick to rolling board when you're trying to roll up the dough.
(number 1 and arguably number 3 are corrections I think should be made to the recipe)
(numbers 2-4 are just common sense folks)