Cucumber Salad

This is a REFRESHING, tangy Salad--low in fat. If you want it creamy and not so low in fat, just add 2 tablespoons mayonnaise. Be sure to slice the cucumbers and onions very very thin! Serve as salad or top open faced sandwiches with it!
Cucumber Salad Cucumber Salad
Cucumber Salad Cucumber Salad
Cucumber Salad Cucumber Salad
Cucumber Salad Cucumber Salad
Cucumber Salad Cucumber Salad


  1. This is a classic Polish recipe. However... You are leaving out the MOST IMPORTANT STEP!! After the cucumbers are sliced you MUST get as much water out of them as possible! You can do this by laying the cukes out on a plate with another plate pressed on top of it. Leave that in the fridge for at least one hour. If you don't do this your salad will be watery and yucky!!
  2. Made this exactly, except used a white onion instead of the red. Other then that, I wouldn't and didn't change anything. I did however, salt and drain my cukes first. (Had already done that prior to selecting this recipe.) Grabbed some dill and chives from the garden, and the whole taste was so yummerisish-ish, I could of eaten the whole bowl! Highly recommend! Great - Reets!
  3. Love, love, love this. I left out the onions...and used Splenda instead of sugar. This was an instant favorite for my family.
  4. With a quick taste on my fingertip, I was in a time warp: sitting at my Oma's kitchen table in Germany having her cucumber salad. I almost cried. Thank you for a delicious dressing! I used plain Greek yogurt and only cucumber as my red onion had seen its better days, and, well, I thought I was growing dill but apparently not (still don't know what that plant is! LOL!), so I used dried dill. Yummy! Thank you so much, Rita!
  5. Really enjoyed this. I used much less onion. . .and used a sweet yellow onion. I also mixed up the dressing earlier and then stirred it into the veggies just before serving so it didn't get watery. I doubled the sugar (actually I used splenda). Will make this again. Thanks, Rita!

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