Flourless Peanut Butter Cookies

alright. nj "newbie" here. known for my devotion for peanut butter, could not keep this recipe in my cookbook for too long without giving it a try. first - that silly cross pattern with the fork tip: continually rinse off your fork with warm water ever 2 cookies or so, or it will stick and lose that wonderful pattern in a mush of pulled up dough second - i made my cookies enormous (i only rolled 18). tip: trust me, the WILL expand. they don't look like it, but they do. make real spoonfuls, not shovelfuls. third - if you are crazy and want enormous cookies, reduce the oven to 300. tip: plan an activity to do, these will take longer to cook. the smell of peanut butter will taunt you. if you don't keep yourself busy you will be glaring at the oven for 15+ minutes trying to cook them faster with your soul, and it didn't work for me. fourth - good news! tip: the cookies will harden when out of the oven, so you can be slightly impatient and take them out a little early to maintain a soft chewy cookie! yay! (maybe the soul glare worked?) fifth - additions i agree with other reviews, these cookies would rock even more with other goodies in them like peanut butter chips or oatmeal - i'm going to try that next!
OMG--Thanks Bev!----- I had left over almond butter from my xmas baking and was looking for an easy way to use it. This was the ticket. I had to add a couple tablespoons of almond oil to get it to the consistancy of smooth peanut butter ( suppose melted butter might have tasted better). They are FANTASTIC. I put a whole almond in the center of some of the cookies for a really nice treat. There's a monster living under my kitchen cabinets that eats 10-20% of my cookie dough every time I make cookies -- I never get the right quantity!